Erica online

Tuesday, August 19

I am soooo itchy!
On the weekend, my family and I went to the lake and came back with swimmer's itch.
This is an aweful thing, I am full of red, itchy blotches.
I didn't have any calomine lotion so I made this disgusting paste of water and
baking soda that dries on your skin in about 10 seconds, then turns to crusty dust
that leaves a mess everywhere you walk. And, it doesn't stop the itching.
So essentially, I make a mess of baking soda all of the house and I'm still itchy.

My dad came over last night and said to put aloe vera on it, because he puts aloe
vera on everything. (and it works, totally takes away the itch...way to go dad).
But it reminded me of Gus from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, who put windex on everything.
We all have our strange quirks, don't we?

I always like to have 3 (no more, no less) cans of tuna in my pantry. I have no idea why, I just think it looks neat and tidy with three. More than 3 looks like you bought too much and less than 3 looks like you need to go shopping. So yes, I'm neurotic but I know that. But I think everyone has their strange little things that make them comfortable.

For instance, my husband believes that he has a ration of accuracy! That is , he is right about 80% of the time, so he speaks of his 80:20 rule. I wouldn't say that I agree with him but hey, we all have our issues.

Wouldn't it be great if people introduced themselves with some of their odd quirks?
"Hi, I'm Harry and I like to watch people brush their teeth. It makes me feel like I'm superior to them in some strange way."
"Hello Harry, I'm Matilda and people who go in the express line at the grocery store with more than the designated number of items, I want to scream obsenities at them, but I don't so I have a lot of pent up frustration."

See, if we did that, people wouldn't be so apt to feel superior or inferior to each other. We would know everyone else is nuts too.
Besides, normal people scare me.
Erica at 8:58 AM


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