Erica online

Wednesday, December 10

I went to Breathe today, that's the first time this year! Yeah for me!
It was really nice to spend time with some other moms and have a chat
with an adult. No one demanded milk or juice from me the whole time!
What a treat!

Isabella has a cold and is having trouble staying asleep at naptime.
Its driving me crazy! She is cranky and WAY overtired but when I put
her down, she just wakes up in about an hour. And she NEEDS more
sleep than that! I can't take her whining anymore!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!
I remember this stage (16 months) was rough with Rebecca too.
I feel like yelling, "Just learn how to talk already! Stop whining!!!!!!"
But I won't as it won't help anyway.

...thanks, that's my venting for the day.
Erica at 3:40 PM


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