Erica online

Saturday, September 11

I had my yearly physical this week with my doctor. The first thing they do is weigh you.
You know...start things off on a positive note!

I was a little stunned as I saw the nurse moved the wieght thing further and further and FURTHER to the right. Oh my goodness!!!

Let's just say there was a bit of a discrepancy between the Dr.'s scale and my bathroom scale.
A LARGE discrepancy! More damage than a chocolate bar or a piece of pie. We're talking the difference a large Moxie platter, a dozen donuts, a milkshake, and a whole cheesecake kind of difference! Whoa!

Then I calmed myself down, who's to say the Dr.'s scale is right and mine is wrong? Maybe her scale is out by 10 pounds! Afterall, she's a doctor. She's busy. People's lives hang in the balance based on her decisions, she doesn't have time to calibrate her scales. Yeah, that's it!

Yeah, and maybe the dryer IS shrinking my jeans and my shirts. It couldn't be that I have put on 10 pounds over the summer! Summer is the time when we're outside, sweating and too hot to eat! Summer is when everyone LOSES weight! But the weather this summer was cold so no sweating, no outdoors and lots of eating.

Conclusion: I DID gain 10 pounds this summer! I'm not in denial BUT its not my fault. Its the weather's fault. However, the weather isn't going to get off the couch and run around the block now is it? No, that'll be me. The weather isn't going to watch what it eats for the next six monthes, no that'll be me! Highly unfair. My nose is officially out of joint.


Erica at 3:12 PM


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