Erica online

Wednesday, March 23


Lately I've noticed the word "re-juvenating" in many commercials for beauty products. The implication behind the advertisements is that younger is better, prettier, sexier and more successful.

I disagree. I don't want to go back to my teen years, regardless of how my skin looked. Being younger was a disaster! I still haven't forgotten the insecurities, fears, and the agonizing search for identity that accompanied my teen years. Adolescence is full of hormones, uncontrollable highs and irrational lows. As they say, "depressing teenagers is like shooting fish in a barrel!" and I wouldn't want to go back there for anything!

I'm glad I'm in my 20s! This is an amazing time of life! I'm so much wiser now! I wouldn't go back to the instability of being a teenager for anything! I'm sure I'll feel the same way about my 20s when I'm in my 30s. (Which, BTW is still a loooooooooong way off......a looooooooong way!)

When I'm in my 30s I'll say, "I'm glad my 20s are over! I'm so much wiser now! I worked too hard trying to do it all and be perfect, and ended up tired all the time. I'm wise enough to slow down, observe and enjoy life more. I'm glad I don't have little babies anymore, they are hard work! Now I'm wise enough to see all the stupid mistakes I made raising my kids in my 20s!"

Yes, I realize that I'm currently making lots of mistakes raising my daughters. But that is what mutual funds are for....I put money away now and eventually it will be enough to pay for therapy or bail, depending on how badly I'm messing up right now!

When I'm in my 40s I'll say, "I'm glad my 30s are over! I'm so much wiser now! I was such fitness freak, those velour work out suits I wore were hideous and I ate WAY too much salad. Seeing my girls through puberty gave me more wrinkles than the tanning salon during my mid-life crisis! Phew! I'm glad I'm in my 40s!"

When I'm in my 50s I'll say, "I'm glad my 40s are over! I'm so much wiser now! Planning two weddings, and dealing with my husband's mid-life crisis was far too stressful! No one should take THAT much valium! Now that the weddings are over, I can focus on learning to do the things I never had time for when I was young. I can knit baby-booties and send them to my daughters so they will get the hint and produce cute grandbabies for me!"

When I'm in my 60s I'll say, "I'm glad my 50s are over! I'm so much wiser now! I don't know how I ever got things done when I had to work all the time. Thank goodness I have time to travel, shop and re-decorate my house (again). Now where did I put that chocolate bar I bought for the baby?"

When I'm in my 70s I'll say, "I'm glad my 60s are over! I'm so much wiser now! No one should have to eat THAT much bran! Now that I'm older and wiser, I will embrace the enema! Its time to join the purple hat society and throw caution to the wind! "

When I'm in my 80s I'll say, "YES! This is my FOURTH marguerita! So what? I'm an 80 year old woman, I can do whatever I want! Have some respect for your elders you little punk! Oh, and hand grandma my slippers, okay sweetie?"
Erica at 9:49 PM


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