Erica online

Monday, February 2

I think being a stay-at-home is much like being a hired assassin.

Yes. Its true.

Everything we do is by trial and error.

We must be able to read the next move of our target, and always be one step ahead.
For this to perfect, we must practise surveillance, and watch the "mark" at all hours to
figure out what they are thinking.

We work under extemely stressful circumstances at all times and must be prepared for anything.

We wait for the perfect opportunity to shoot training into the mark.
And its always a matter of life or death, to our children's emotions, spirits, and personalities.
We have the power to give life or bring death with our words.

The only difference is that we don't make $50 G per hit.

So, in short. I've decided what I want to be when I grow up.
Yep, a hired hitman. Who would suspect me? (besides people who've read this blog?)
A mild mannered house wife and mother by day, and hired political assassin by night.

The hours are good. It only takes a few minutes. Travel, excitement.....
Only one problem, I haven't yet worked up enough immorality to eat a grape at the store without paying for it.
So I'm not sure how well I'd do with the guilt of murder.
Maybe I'll re-think this.
Erica at 9:22 AM


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