Contrary to news reports that teens are out of control, and stealing cars every ten seconds.....
Canada's car theft stats (2002)show that 4.97 cars out of 1000 are stolen every year. So that .5%!!!
Nothing is safe!!!! There are theives everywhere, we should all get security systems and hide away! Lock your doors!
That's crap!
Stats show that 9.11 out of 1000 people are burglarized. Oh no! That's almost 1%!!!! We don't even rank in the top 100 in this category compared to the rest of the world.
The stat about theft you would hear on the news is $314 million a year is stolen. What you don't hear is that its $314 million out of $1000 trillion!!!!
How many reports have you seen lately about "the state of Canada's health care system" is horrendous disrepair.
"Hallway Medecine" is everywhere!!! Must move to the US now!
Actually, we have 3.9 beds per 100 people which is MORE than the 3.6/100 people found in the States.
So even without privitization, we're better off than the states.
Here's another one we're hearing....all the dr.s are fleeing Canada to the US because they make more $ down there. We have 2.1 dr.s for every 1000 people. The states has 2.8 so there is barely a difference at all.
How many reports have you seen about Seniors not being able to afford medication etc. Our national rate of drug accessibility is between 95-100%!
Here's what you need to know:
1. Stop watching the news! They are full of crap and trying to scare you so you'll watch the news for "protection"!
2. We're the 10th richest country in the world.
3. We don't even rank on most measures of world poverty.
We're doing fine and we're really blessed to live in such a prosperous country. So don't worry, be happy!
(If you're interested in this kind of stuff, check out, its fun to look at world stats and find out more about Canada too!)
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