Erica online

Wednesday, May 12

I'm done complaining about the weather, its just bringing me down.

Matt. 5:5 says to be content in who you are, and part of who I am is a Winnipegger. And I'm pleased to be from Winnipeg, so if its gotta be snow in May. So be it.

And not only am I going to be content with the snow, I found a reason to be thankful for it!

I watched the news last night and it was all about the snow storm. No crime, rape, health issues, poverty etc. Just snow. A few downed hydro lines. Big whoop.

That's nice to see.

I've been thinking about media sensationalism and management. And fear-mongering. So I've started to do a little research on crime statistics on Canada. The results have been very surprising but I'll post that on my next blog.

Gotta go make breakie for the kiddies.
Erica at 7:57 AM


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