Erica online

Thursday, May 13

I have come face to face with my own hypocrisy today!

I have always believed (and still do) that kids watch WAY too much t.v. and I would never let my kids sit in front of the boob tube.

I have always tried to limit how much t.v. my kids watch and keep it under an hour a day.

Right now my kids are in front of the electronic babysitter. I have had a horrendous week with them and I need a break. So I am doing what I hate. Hopefully for the greater good? That being, that I don't shaken-baby them to death.

I feel like a hypocrite and a failure for letting them vegg. But I'm also at the end of my rope so.....t.v. it is.

What a crappy day! :(
Erica at 11:10 AM


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