Erica online

Saturday, August 20


We call Isabella Bella-Belle sometimes! Just as Belle means beautiful, she is truly beautiful. Inside and out. She exudes joy and loves to make people laugh. This is fortunate since she is hilarious!

Today she made me belly laugh a few times. I'll share some of her crazy antics here.

After going to the washroom, Rebecca stood beside the toilet undies around her ankles grabbing some toilet paper. Isabella sidled up to her and looked at her bottom and said, "Hey! You have a white butt!" She then slapped her sister on the butt and ran away laughing.

Another moment was when I told her to put her shoes on. She is constantly making up and singing songs to herself. She was sitting by the door putting on her shoes and singing this little ditty:
Mmmmmmm....Jesus Christ. Mmmmmm....Jesus Christ. (repeat)

I wasn't sure if I should be glad or horrified!
She is currently outside making the neighborhood kids laugh by running in circles yelling, "chicken butt" and "chicken poo".

She is a little imp and a constant source of joy in our home.
Erica at 6:57 PM


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