Erica online

Thursday, August 24

Early Morning Quiz Show...

I was awakened at 6:50 this morning to a barrage of questioning. Isabella wakes up, a switch goes on and every thought she has must come pouring out as quickly as possible. (much like her mother)

Before my eyes were open I was asked, "What's a leech?" I mumbled something about little animals that stick to your body to which she shrieked, "FOREVER???"

As I launched into a little lesson about leeches, my inquistive four year old queries, "How do mermaids change? (into people)" Now I must transition from my mental notes on leeches to a lecture on the difference between reality and make-believe, all before I've even opened my eyes.

Bella then switched from mermaids to feathers, "what's the point of feathers?" It is at this point in my foggy half-sleep that I realize she is not listening to my responses, she is being entertained by simply asking the questions. I just listened and this is what I heard:

"What's a stem?"
"How high do you think I can count?"
"How old is God?"
"How did God get into heaven?"
"How did Jesus make His people?"
(at this point she wanted a reply to be sure that I was still listening because I had now picked up a pen and paper to write these questions down thinking them quite amusingand blog-worthy)

I answered that Jesus has the power to create and....she was off and running again:
"You mean like magic?"
"Is Jesus magic?"
"What are you writing on that paper?"
"Are you spelling something on that paper?"
"Are you writing names?"
"Whose names are you writing?"
etc, etc...

My day had begun with 30 questions in a space of 4 minutes. Now I am off to face another day of the four year old inquisition. Perhaps I will make my own game show out of it, I will count how many "Why?"s and how many "How comes?"s she can do in one hour, and then in the hour see if she can beat the record.
That could be fun.
Erica at 8:21 AM


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