Erica online

Wednesday, February 25

My thoughts are drawn to a pardigm....

Be light to the world......deliver us from evil.
Be as shrewd snake and innocent as doves.
Lay down your life for your enemy....if they resist the gospel, don't let your peace rest on that place, in fact wipe the dust from your feet when you leave the town.

God has so much grace for the world but there is also judgement because He loves justice and people are so evil.

It is hard to be in the world, and not of the world as they say in christianese.

After work last night I felt as though I had been "dipped in evil". The next generation often makes me fear for my children. So much rebellion, hatred of authority, irreverence and crude lifestyle. It often feels to me like a dark and evil savage people.
I was in shock at the things they think of to do and say. Where is the hope for these kids? Who wants them? Who would be light to them? If that's my place, is God going to keep me safe from the evil they plan? Both spiritually, emotionally and even physically? Can I trust God to keep me safe in a dark place?

Lots of questions....

Am I teaching my children to be kind, gentle, soft-hearted people to their own detriment? Sending them to school, will I be feeding them to the wolves? Can I trust God to watch over them, even if they must be co-horts to an evil generation?

Lots of questions.....

And yet, God is good, and just. I wish for "on earth as it is in Heaven" but now I'm just stuck on "deliver me from evil".

Erica at 3:15 PM


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