Erica online

Friday, November 26

Winter has arrived...

It was inevitable, we had a lovely fall but the snow had to fly eventually.
In Winnipeg.
Not in Jamaica.
Jamaica will not have snow this winter.

Did I just call everyone in Jamaica a jerk?
Yes I did.
Nothing personal, its just the snow thing. That's it. Just the snow.

But on the bright side, my kids are cute in their jackets....

The only amusement I find in the snow thing is my kid's reaction to the cold. Rebecca was the star of the week at her pre-school, so she got a star stamp on her hand. When she asked why the star was gone, I explained that it washed away by evening from washing her hands. She replied, "Maybe it froze off".

Good point Rebecca.
Good point.
Erica at 8:23 AM


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