Erica online

Thursday, December 9

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and Gosh Darn It! People like me!

I think Stewart Smalley had the right idea. Sometimes you just need to say that to yourself as a reminder. It helps keep us from "stinkin' thinkin'" as S.S. might say.

I've been doing too much again, and spreading myself too thin. After a week at this pace, it starts to feel like I'm not getting it ALL done as well as it could be, then comes the stinkin thinkin. I start getting down on myself for my lack of perfection. I start to see the rips and holes in my superwoman cape, and once you see the holes in the cape, you start losing altitude pretty quickly.

But as S.S. would say, don't give in and fall into a "shame spiral". So, I won't fall into the "shame spiral" but instead I'll remember the three C's. Except I can't remember what the three C's are right now. So I'll just suck it up!!!

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this post is completely sarcastic, I do not endorse Stuart Smalley as a licensed therapist of any kind. Please do NOT run out and base your life on any of his teaching, unless you are seriously messed up in which case he MIGHT be helpful. His books are good for a laugh however.
Erica at 1:53 PM


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