Erica online

Tuesday, April 12

Pick N Choosing....

Lately I've been pick'n'choosing my way through life. There is too much for me to do, with the resources I have available to me. I have limited time and energy so I've been forced to stop driving myself to an early grave, and (in my sisters words) "only do what I can do."

Everyday is an exercise in prioritizing my goals,(and looking at my values) knowing that not that all the "to do"s on my list will be accomplished.

For too long I have lived everyday in a lose/lose situation...for girls get my attention and housework done but I got no work done(from my job), didn't exercise = FAILURE.....or I get behind on laundry, ignored the kids and caught up on my work = FAILURE!!!

No More! I'm taking control, looking at my priorities and making some changes so there is more balance and less stress!

Some of the strategies I've employed to get organized and stay sane are:

#1...Using my agenda!
#2...Choosing a First Priority Goal -> My kids come before my job. Period.
#3...I need to schedule time to work, away from kids.
#4...Not every room in my house needs to be clean at the same time.
#5...If I don't exercise for 3 days in a row, my butt will not double in size.
#6...Some of it can wait for tomorrow.

I've also had to face some simple truths.
  • Given half an hour, either I can make the kids beautiful (clothes and hair) or myself beautiful, but not both! If I try, I'll be late.
  • I have enough energy to concentrate on eating right or exercising but not both.
  • My house have toys and books strewn about, so what?
  • If supper isn't ready by supper time, my children will not die of starvation.
  • When I'm totally stressed about all that I have to do, scaling back on time with good friends to make more time to work, is not helpful!
Erica at 12:23 PM


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