Erica online

Tuesday, November 22

Job Offers...

Recently I have experienced what some might call "an excess of opportunity".
I have had 3 new job offers (in addition to the two I have: 1. raising my kids 2. working for the school division).

They are all diverse and interesting challenges, and a means to more financial security.

I am in the process of praying, about which (if any) are right for me.
I am weighing the time/energy/childcare issues vs. exciting job opportunities/experiences.
Is this God's way of providing for our finances or would it be too much for me to take on more?

I'm not sure how much more I can do (if anything) without robbing my kids from
having an attentive mom.
I need to give some answers to people (who offered the jobs) soon so if you happen to be praying anyway and think of praying for me...well, just keep it in mind.
Erica at 12:44 PM


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