It could be the preparations for Christmas, or trying to tie up all the loose ends at work while doing the extra mommy stuff with my kids (concerts, gatherings etc) but I think my mentalness alert button is going off.
Blogger keeps underlining the word "mentalness" in red. I wonder why. Any ideas Cindy?
In my state of red-alert mentalness here are my thoughts at the moment, in no particular order. (If I ordered my thoughts, they wouldn't be mental now would they?)
1. Hole punchers are cool. And useful. Handy, useful, cool.
2. I dislike chocolate a great deal and people keep giving me boxes of chocolates. Perhaps I look very PMSy. (PMSy also underlined in red)
B. Advil is a great way to spend an hour or two.
5. Why do we have CDs now? What was wrong with cassette tapes? They made a neat sound in the case when the tape jiggled around. Surely that was reason enough to keep them.
IV. I didn't finish writing my Christmas cards yet, I wonder who really cares. Is there someone out there waiting for a Christmas card from me, feeling rejected because it hasn't arrived yet or am I the only person who cares whether or not they arrive at their selected destinations before Christmas? I think the reason I send them is to say "hi" or "I'm thinking about you" so if it arrives on Boxing Day, then I'm still spreading joy, its just not Christmas joy anymore, its Boxing Day joy, but its still joy so why don't I stop stressing out already?
R. I am amazed at the number of people who have asked my kids what Santa is bringing them for Christmas. Strangers, people I work with, its nuts. Since I'm not huge on the whole Santa thing, we've never really done it so my kids are kind of put off by it. They say, "Um....what I would like for Christmas is..." but they don't believe in Santa so they think its weird that adults do. Not that I think people who let their kids believe in Santa are wrong. I just think, they are gonna find out anyway and then they'll be mad that I lied so its better to believe in real people giving them gifts because they have real relationships with real people that love them than the santa thing. That's my stance. Besides, the whole chimney thing was just confusing my kids. Rebecca started crying at the idea of having a fire on Christmas in case we burn Santa.
4. And my final disconjointed thought of the late evening, Jane Austen is a great writer. I am reading Emma right now and I love her writing although my grade 11 English teacher would have made her correct some of her run-on sentences. She made me. If I knew better I would have brought in a copy of Sense and Sensibility and pointed out some of the paragraph-long sentences in that CLASSIC novel. That's right. I am scarred by having had to correct my run-on sentences.
There. Now I said it. Now I can move on. I can use long sentences again.
Jane Austen did it. Why can't I? I can't think of a long sentence. But if I did, I could use it.
It would be okay. Trust me.
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