You know when you say something stupid, or insensitive and then even years later the thought
of your "mental lapse" can still make you feel like a dork???
(I know....let it go Erica!....I'm working on that)
Anywho....I think I've found a cure for the haunting memory of social faux-pas.
Just watch the Oscars.
Millions of dollars of jewels and dresses, stylists, p.r. people and some of the most beautiful faces in the world.
But was there any semblance of intelligent conversation on the red carpet????
I was nauseated. And as badly stumbling, shallow, and inane as the celebs were, the interviewers were WORSE by far!
"Oh, you look so fabulous, who made your dress? How great will it feel to win the Oscar?"
The same stupifyingly ludicrous line of questioning for each celebrity. And each of them with demure decadent (and false) humility, "Oh, its just an honor to be nominated."
I couldn't handle it. I had to turn it off. "You're fabulous" "No, you're fabulous" "you're beautiful" "No, you're beautiful"
On the bright side, when I turned the channel, Absolutely Fabulous was on, and THAT show is funny!
Absolutely Fabulous! Ha! (oh, the irony)
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