Erica online

Wednesday, March 10

Today at Breathe, the topic was about budgeting.
The speaker (Shannon) was really good at the topic at she had
much personal experience living on a tight budget.

It was very encouraging to see that other families are out there trying to make this
"one income family" thing work too. Sometimes I feel very alone in that where I live, as there are mostly two income families.

I was also encouraged to see that I do alot of this budgeting thing "right"!
Well, the same as the speaker anyway. We're all learning how to improve at it.

But I was encouraged to hear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will NOT be in debt forever. And other people out there are just plugging away at it too.

So cheers! To someday being debt free! *clink*
Erica at 2:19 PM


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