Erica online

Tuesday, April 27

I'm feeling very panicked today.

I'm not done anything for the craft show. Not even one thing because I don't own the tools I need to finish anything.

Rebecca is getting more and more intense everyday about the idea of going to school. This morning she put on her rubber boots and was trying to open the door to go to school. I told she was still too small but she insisted that she needed to go now as her bus was waiting for her.
Why does this make me panick? She is not registered anywhere yet and spots are filling up everywhere.

I'm panicked about how much paper work I have to do for the girl's program and just don't have time for. I wish there was a way I could just quit my job.

Overwhelmed would be the word of the day.

In an ideal world, I'd take a valium and go back to procrastinating. However, I need to take care of my kids right now. But I don't mind that, they are super fun and cute and I love being with them. I just don't get much done when I'm "hanging out" (as Rebecca puts it) with them.
Erica at 8:39 AM


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