When I saw the floor this morning, I felt awful and I thought "this floor is horrible, I must wash it immediately."
I must or what? Or I am a failure?(perhaps) Or the house cleaning police will come and take my children away? Why am I judging myself based on whether or not I could eat off my kitchen floor.
Anyway, I gave into my "need" to have a sparkling floor and washed it. Then I felt exilarated. I stood there looking at it with a warm fuzzy feeling. Could it be PRIDE???
Suddenly, I was a good person again. A success!
Then I thought, "well that's warped thinking".
So are the areas of pride for us, they area where we judge ourselves the most harshly? Are we judging others by the same standard we hold up against ourselves? Is that fair?
Most often the standards people hold for themselves (me included) are so much more harsh than their expectations for others. Why is it so hard to grace for ourselves?
Eg. I don't think people who can't play volleyball suck. But even when I'm having a great game and I make a mistake, I say "I'm sorry guys, that sucked". I would NEVER say that to someone else who messed up.
This is erroneous thinking on my part. I will think on it some more and ask God to help me correct this pattern.
If He thinks I'm worthy of grace, maybe I should too.
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