Erica online

Friday, September 24

There is a quote by Hodding Carter that is very appropriate in my life right now.

"Two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings."
-Hodding Carter

I am finding as Rebecca explores more of the world beyond the boundaries of our home, there are adjustments to be made. Her time in pre-school is very much apart of "her" world and not mine. She may choose which information she wants to share with me, and keep back whatever she doesn't want to talk about. (Although I'm asking an awful LOT of questions)

It is hard for both of us for her to pull away from mom and dad a little more. I want her to have wings to go out and fly in the world. I want her to discover who she is, and all the things she can do, with or without her anxious mother watching. But in between flights, its really nice when she comes back to me, and sees who she is to me.

NOT that I can hand her an identity, but I can show her how much value she has to me and her family. I feel like this is important as she is addressed with the reality that there are other kids with a will of their own, and other little people with which she must contend for attention and position.

I have found lately, she is coming to me for lots of cuddles and asking me questions about who she is to me. "Am I still your baby" kind of questions. My first reaction to this was to say she could stay home from school if she wanted (she is only 3) but that was a definite NO. She loves school, its just an adjustment.

She is figuring out the limits and boundaries of her own roots and wings, and I'm trying to figure out how to be a tree!
Erica at 4:18 PM


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