Erica online

Tuesday, November 2

I attended a conference this morning on the state of health (for Canadians) in regards to their level of physical activity.

As it turns out, its not a good state. The research showed that people think they are healthier than they actually are. Most people thought they had enough phyical activity in their lives to stay healthy (77%). I guess this means that 23% of the population aren't fooling themselves?

Well of those people who felt they were physically active , only 36% of them were active enough to receive any sort of health benefit from their efforts.

And 60% of YOUTH are obese! Yikes!

But the presenter was very positive and saw it as a huge opportunity for improvement.
Now all we need to do is over-come the barriers to activity: winter weather, finding indoor space and making it affordable for all people, educating people about the dangers of inactivity, stopping people from feeling intimated about going into a gym, and eliminating competitiveness from sports.

I think I should start a gym for people who hate gyms. Maybe you'd have to have over a certain percent of body fat to just to get in! No skinny people! There would be no mirrors or cameras or anything else intimidating. No scales. And all the t.v. screens would have Oprah on....pelting people with positive encouragement stories as they worked out. You can do it! You go girl!

Erica at 1:38 PM


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