Erica online

Saturday, December 11

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

What are you gonna do on a Friday night when the kids are in bed and you're too tired to go out?
No! NOT that!

You buy blonde in a box, and do your roots. Well, that's how it started!

First you have to brush out all the tangles and separate your hair into sections (according to the package). But what if you haven't had an official haircut in like a year and your ends are so damaged you can't even brush out all the tangles?

Desparate times call for desparate measures.
"Oh Honey! I need some of the dead ends cut off my hair, could you give me a trim?"

Whoa! Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Reasons my husband shouldn't cut my hair:
1. He is not a professional stylist.
2. He is not gay.
3. He has never cut hair in his life.

Right! Those thoughts didn't occur to me last night!

So I say, "just take off one centimetre to half an inch".....(this is where the sentence should have stopped)....."you know the part that looks dead and dry".

He says, "well, there's alot of that!"

So an inch and a half to two inches later! Yikes!
But in the end, it turned out okay. Shorter than I planned but okay.
Its straight and short. He actually did a good job! And through God's grace we'll stay married!
ha ha ha
Just kidding, it was actually kind of fun, and I think it looks pretty good. Short! But good!
He was pretending he was my stylist (who is very gay b.t.w.) and making me laugh, so if some of it is crooked, its my fault for laughing too hard. I have a great guy!

Erica at 11:11 AM


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