Erica online

Monday, January 3

RE-, RE-, RE-.....

Its a new year! Christmas and New Year's are over and done. Its time to move on the re-ordering the mess, re-moving junk, re-considering goals, re-cleaning and re-organizing!

In the process of taking down Christmas decorations, we decided to move the living room furniture and do a cleaning job under all the furniture. (The moving furniture part was D.J.'s idea, the cleaning part was my idea! ;)

There is a point in any large undertaking when you look at the mess around you and wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to move than to clean and put it all back in order. I call this point, the point of no return or DISASTER POINT!!!

So, we are re-organizing the kid's toys, the furniture, the decorations, the Christmas storage stuff! What starts as re-organizing one room has spread to the entire house.

So once the re-ordering, and re-organizing are complete, I think I'll re-tire, and re-lax and maybe even re-ad a book.
(OK that last one didn't work with the re- theme very well but at least it wasn't re-dundant!)

Erica at 1:02 PM


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