Erica online

Monday, February 14

Oh!!! Now I Get It!

I had an early morning revelation at 5:15 am!

Lately, Isabella has been getting up between 6 and 7am and climbing into me bed, snuggling up and drifting back to sleep. Usually, this wakes me up and I have a hard time getting back to sleep as she wiggles, and sighs her way back to dreamland.

This morning when I heard the thump as she rolled out of bed, and I glanced the 5:15 on the clock, I thought, "this has got to stop, I need some sleep and she needs to stop doing this."

She wandered into the room, clutching her blankie and put her soft curly head on my chest as she waited for me to lift her onto the bed and cuddle with her. One look at her, and thoughts of me getting more sleep flew out the window. Instead, I watched her wiggle and sleep with a huge smile on my face. Well aware that my heart was tightly wrapped around her pudgy, baby pinky.

I don't care how much sleep I get! Once look at her and my heart melts. I love that she needs cuddles and closeness! I look at her charming, round face and her joyful eyes and I'm in love!

With this thought, another phrase came to mind..."with one glance of her eye"....

Hold the phone! Could this be the way that GOD feels about me? Does His heart melt over me coming in for a cuddle, one more time? So often I think, He must see how often I come back to Him for more and He must think, "Oh no! Not her again. This woman can't get enough!"

But if He feels this way about me (after all, I'm a parent, He's a parent, and I'm made in His image, I must get it from somewhere!!!) then WHY do I think like this??????

He probably doesn't care that I interrupt His sleep to ask for extra cuddles. If His heart is overcome with one glance as I walk into His room clutching my blankie, what does this MEAN????

When I am overcome with love, I would do anything for that person and I'm not offended that would ask me for anything. If this true, there should never be guilt in my prayer life. I should ask with confidence, as I am asking someone who longs to please me! This is too much to comprehend. This is yet another level of "paradigm shift", as they used to say at the Vineyard!

The King of Heaven is enamoured with ME!!! How INSANE is that???
Its one of those cases of, yes, I know this but I know that I know that I know. Getting it in your heart is quite a different thing!

If I wake up tomorrow and there is a brand new mini-van with a HUGE red ribbon on it, and my name inscribed on the key. I won't be surprised. I'll say, "OF COURSE!!" then I'll turn to my children and say, "He is always doing things like this, He is soooooo in love with me!"
(then I'll go for a spin!)
Erica at 4:21 PM


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