Erica online

Wednesday, May 25

Star Wars III

Last night, D.J. and I went on a hot date, which turned into more of a parenting conference.
I know all the dating books say don't talk about the children while you're on a date but every once in awhile its nice to just speak our minds without being wary of little ears listening in.

We went and watched Star Wars III. I am not a big Star Wars fan so I have no right to give my thoughts on the movie, as I would offend all the serious fans out there.
Who am I kidding??? No Star Wars fans would read my blog, so here goes....

General Grievous - anyone who feels the need to have four light sabres is seriously overcompensating for something!

Senator Palpatine/Sith Dude - I understand that skin/blemish issues can make you cranky, I get upset by lines and wrinkles too! But killing little jedis is taking your frustration a bit too far! Maybe he could try a strong, night-time wrinkle cream!!!

Padme - Aside from her hair looking fabulous, probably needs to take a co-dependency course

Anakin/Darth Vader - Has some serious father issues, for which he needs deep inner healing. And when he is angry and his eyes go all freaky???? Two words - color contacts!

Yoda - He is my little green friend and I think he rocks! I just wanna squish his little green cheeks and buy him an ice-cream cone, but if I tried he might kick my @**!!!

Obi-Wan - Although its hard to see through the drabby dresser facade, I think his feelings for Anakin are a little suspect, I'm not saying he's gay but I think he's gay.

There, I said it. Have I offended anyone?
Erica at 8:12 AM


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