Erica online

Wednesday, September 14

A Psalm...

Media offers no peace to my soul
Evidence of sorrow flash before my eyes
Violence, poverty and strife breach flood walls
People curse God as unjust and turn away
From under the murky clouds of earth I look up
My heart knows you are Just
Your truth rains down drops of revelation
I watch your hand release Justice and Mercy
Your ways are hidden from those who curse your name
In the midst of fear, death and disease;
Your servants always find a safe place to rest
When I see dark forces ravage the earth,
Distress seeps into my flesh and my body aches.
I am overwhelmed, I long for sleep, for escape
Yet one moment of truth in You melts away my anguish
In you I find rest that restores my body and soul
My spirit rises above this delicate realm
I am not subject to the unstable state of the nations
I pledge myself to kingship of Heaven
The warrior King in on His throne
I devote my life to His rule and reign
My homage to the King is met with strength
I am filled with understanding beyond my ability
One small girl will set thousands to flight
I rest in the battlefield, with His shield over me.
Erica at 11:44 AM


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