Erica online

Thursday, October 13


As I am in a land where the names of places revolve around explorers, it seems fitting that I post about some discoveries I have made here in the mountains.

1. If Australia ever declares war on Canada I have discovered where the Aussies are hiding their troops....they all work at the Chateau Fairmont in Lake Louise!!! There are more Australians here than you can shake a stick at! (which I wouldn't recommend---if you throw a stick at an Aussie, it'll come right back at ya and smack ya the noggin')

2. When you are face to face with a mountain, it is impossible NOT to look up! Its like passing the scene of an can't look away and you can't look down.

3. People from Brazil think Canadians are nice and cool!!! (Well, that's not really a discovery, its just the truth).

4. Charging $6.00 for a bottle of Evian is NOT illegal! Who knew?

5. If you ever see an Asian tourist without a camera around their neck, you should take a picture! Its an rare experience! Yesterday morning I thought I saw lightening across the lake, it was just a tourist group passing through! FLASH! FLASH!! FLASH!!!
(ps..I hope this isn't a racist remark, its just an observation...Asians seem to like cameras, like how Canucks like beer....just an observation!!!)
Erica at 9:22 AM


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