I've noticed lately as I chat with people in the workplace, the discussion of spiritual matters is no longer taboo. There is an openness to ideas about life being more than it seems, inexplicable happening, and the existence of spiritual beings. This openness to prayer or meditation was not there even 10 years ago.
The general public uses different words than Christians (as they don't speak Christianese) to describe ideas that are very similar to what churches have experienced in the last 30 years.
While there are many similarities between the tempered experience of new age religion that has seeped into the general public and christianity, there are some marked differences as well.
I have encountered an openness to spirituality but in very vague or mysterious terms. People are accepting of the idea of things greater than themselves. Mysteries beyond understanding is a very "in" topic. For instance, dreaming and interpreting dreams is new and exciting. The idea of "hearing a voice" and following it is intriguing.
There is an accepted ideal that following these inclinations may lead to something good (or not), and then that would be considered a miracle. Whether or not a miracle ever happened to you again, is doubtful but it would be cool to remember it. (the day the stars aligned etc)
I find this very different than my experience of God.
My experience is not so random and mysterious.
The idea of a supreme being with the ability to lay-out a strategic destiny for each person is consitant with my experience.
The understanding of spirituality I've encountered at work does not include this element. The thought of random spiritual encounters colliding with people is more comfortable than the idea of following a plan laid out by an omnipotent God that wants to lead people into the best for their lives.
Perhaps it is a pushing away of the authoritative, judging God presented by the church in the past century. Happy, floating angel fairies is easier to accept than an ever-present God whose plan for our lives we may choose.
As I share the stories in the "market places of the world" (some Christianese for ya) about how we got our van and our new house, there is definite interest in the miracle. But the idea of destiny in God is still a little strange to some people. The idea that this path will be an on-going relationship with God is fascinating but doubtful.
Now I get to explain the omnipotent, judging, all-powerful God who actually LOVES me and with whom I have daily conversation about a pre-destined plan for my life.
That ought to be fun!!!
No, seriously, I think it will be fun.
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