Erica online

Thursday, March 30


I was tagged by Cindy awhile ago but it has taken me awhile to respond. I just couldn't take the pressure but I figure by now, everyone who reads her blog and knows I was tagged has forgotten all about it. Now the pressure to perform is gone as they have lowered their expections of my responses and just think that I am unreliable...that's much better!

So here goes Cindy...

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Research Assistant for Psychologist (NOT as a lab rat)
2. Receptionist for Chiropractor
3. Cook in Nursing Home
4. Childcare worker in a Day Care Center

Four Movies/Shows I've Been Addicted To:
1. Pride and Prejudice (BBC version)
2. Friends (that Chandler cracks me up)
3. Naked Archaeologist (still love it!!)
4. So I Married an Axe Murderer

Four Places I've Lived:
1. Winnipeg, MB
2. Wabowden, MB (look it up)
3. Lynn Lake, MB
4. Sexsmith, AB

Four Countries I Would Like to Visit:
1. Israel
2. Jamaica
3. Cuba
4. France

Four Popular FALSE Assumptions About Me:
1. I am a ditz (don't get that one as much any more)
2. I am an extrovert
3. I can dance (soooooo wrong!!)
4. I am confident

Four People I Look Like:

1. My daughter Rebecca (then)
2. My cousin Lara...3. My dad...but without the beard.

4. My sister Cheryl - whose picture I will not post without asking her permission- she knows where I live!!!

Four Things I Hope to Do Before I Die:
1. Watch my children excel in their chosen fields of whateverness
2. Watch my daughters fall (and stay) in love
3. Travel alot
4. Buy my husband a smart car

Four People I Tag Next:
1. Rebecca (because her answers will entertain me)
2. Mom (because she'll have nothing to do in the next 10 days)
3. Lynne (because I'm curious to see who she looks like)
4. Gail (because she needs to update her blog)
Erica at 7:32 AM


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