Erica online

Wednesday, May 10

Inspiring Stories...

Tonight I went to see the Watoto Children's Choir perform.

They tour around the world singing and dancing, raising money for Watoto in Uganda, Africa.

It is a community of about 1400 children who have been orphaned due to AIDS run by 400 staff and volunteers.
The choir was made up of children who had all lost one or both parents to AIDS.

The children who spoke all seemed to beam with joy as they spoke about having been broken and abused by finding hope again in Jesus, and the reality of a Father who loved them and would never abandon them! It was clear that they had hope for the future and they were so excited to share their stories and their hope.

I sat there thinking of many youth I see who are devoid of energy, obesity rages on. The African kids sang and danced HARD for an hour straight. North American kids filled with hopelessness are killing themeselves while these children fight to survive and they are full of hope and joy.
The contrast between our western (over-indulged, lazy, passionless, unmotivated) kids and these amazing little orphans was painfully clear. What have we done to children in North America by putting them in front of the t.v., feeding them commercials and telling them never to be happy with what they have. There is always something more.

The children from Africa have next to nothing but they have joy and hope. They are energetic and excited about their own potential. They are motivated to work hard and make the most of the life that others are putting into them.

How do you fight lethargy, apathy and hopelessness in youth who have too much, have no expectations and are unfamiliar with the sensation of gratitude? I sat there thinking we should ship our North American kids to Africa and let them have all their goods and hopelessness stripped away. Maybe they could trade in their nintendo for some joy and peace?
Erica at 9:43 PM


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