In the last few weeks, I have enjoyed listening to Rebecca so very much. She is just so full of life, creativity and thought. She often sits quietly and then just blurts out the most profound statements on life, friendship or whatever. Sometimes it deep, sometimes its thoughtful and sometimes its just plain cute. I will try to recall some of the Rebecca-isms from the last day or so for you to enjoy her as well...
At the dinner table, after a quiet interspection: "I know why the children needed a governess. It was because the Captain didn't know how to take care of his children. He couldn't care for them because he didn't understand who they were inside, that's why he needed Maria. I bet I know why their mother died too. Because seven babies in the body would make you sick!"
After seeing a flock of geese flying overhead: (sigh) "Well, there go those eagles! Flying south for the winter I guess!"
After a lengthy discussion on where babies come from: "Okay, but what if the baby doesn't come out the hole, then would the doctor make another hole in your tummy?"
"Actually yes, that is called a C-section and the dr. takes the baby out of the front of the tummy instead."
"How? Like with a knife?"
"Its a special kind of knife and its called a scalpel."
She rubs her stomach with a sickened look on her face and says with exasperation, "Mommy, I better just work on getting through kindergarten first before I worry about babies!"
Describing kindergarten to her sister: "Its really fun, and there is lots of stuff there, there is a gym, and music but you know what it doesn't have? No church. But it does have a library."
When dropping her sister off at pre-school (a Christian based program in a church that Rebecca attended for 2 years)
Bella: Look at my school! My school has a cross on it!
Becca: Yes Bella, that is because you praise THE LORD at your school. (with a sigh) We don't praise the Lord at my new school. In fact, we don't talk about God or Jesus at all! I think I'm gonna have to talk to my teacher about that!
"Daddy's Teenager Music"
Daddy likes to listen to lots of different music from when he was young, one day while searching the web, he found a song by the Spice Girls that Rebecca absolutely loves! Since hearing the song, she sings repeatedly, "If you wanna be my gotta get with my friends. Mmmm haa laaa lllaaaa...friendship never eeeeeends." (repeat)
Using some of her new found language (she is in french immersion and has been practising speaking when she gets home from school):
"Mommy, you know when Bella and I don't listen to you?"
"Well, that makes you feel FACHE! Right?"
(fache means angry)
It is so fun to hear her thoughts, and talk with her at this stage. Listening to her use her french and experiment with new words is exciting, and fun. Who knew that a five year old could be so much fun?
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