Erica online

Thursday, October 19


One great thing about having little kids around is how honest they are. Its always a little kid who says to the pregnant woman, "why are you so fat?" Its always the little kid who asks a person of a different race why they are that color.

Little ones just say it like it is, and they are not too concerned with our egos. As adults we try to be polite, diplomatic and sensitive even if it means not being entirely honest with people. Kids will come right out and tell you if your breath stinks or if you have ketchup on your cheek.

I think its a built-in service God provides to adult to keep us humble. If you're taking yourself too seriously, who you gonna call? Ego-busters! They'll tell it to you straight.

While this trait in public can be quite embarassing, I think overall its a good thing and I'm glad my little girls speak their minds. Its one place I know the truth won't be sugar-coated.
One more thing I love about my kids.
Erica at 3:15 PM


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