Erica online

Sunday, October 15

Lesson Learned...

In learning there are several factors that affect how we learn:
1. What we already know to be true
2. What we don't know yet
3. Introduction of new information
4. What we can assimilate into our knowledge base ie. new information that we take in and learn from a lesson

Yesterday I learned a lesson while preparing my flower beds for winter. I went to the shed and got my garden gloves, my garden shears, my rake and some leaf bags.

What I already knew to be true - putting on garden gloves keeps your hands warm and safe from scratches.

What I didn't know yet - a wasp had decided that my garden gloves would be the perfect place to hibernate for the winter.

What I know now - a wasp can sting you multiple times before you figure out why your hand feels like its on fire, and remove your garden glove.

How I can apply this information in the future - checking your garden gloves which have been sitting in the shed for a month before you put them on is a good idea.

Lesson learned.
Erica at 8:51 AM


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