Erica online

Friday, April 27

Its All Good

Did you ever wake up with a funny feeling that something really AMAZING is about to happen?
I know I'm an optomist but there are times when an impending sense of JOY overwhelms me.
I just know that things are about to arrange themselves in such a way that it would appear that God is giving me a wink and a nod. This morning I woke up at 5:30am with just such a feeling.

This is odd today as my week was not particulary joyful or full of promise. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
Besides the theft of last week, our van broke down in the busy of intersection whilst I was taking my mother-in-law home from the hospital. She was just released for an attack of asthma so her breathing was borderline normal...she could not help me push a van out of the way, and I couldn't do it by myself. So we sat there for half an hour being berated by passersby, honking, yelling, giving the finger because we were so stupid as to stop at an intersection. One big truck with two big burly guys in pulled up close enough to yell that we should move the van forward.
If I could have, I would have. Not an option. No one stopped to help us, just yell and scream and honk. It was quite humiliating. I had to wait for DJ to come and rescue us as the tow truck took an hour and a half to come. Very stressful and exhausting. It was the alternator and it cost $540 to fix.

We got my mother-in-law safely home, thank goodness and she didn't have a heartattack from our stressful situation. Quite a relief on my part. If I had to roll her out in the street to give her CPR, can you imagine how much more people might have honked and yelled! "Pull her on to the sidewalk! I'm trying to get by!"
AN ASIDE: Guess who was the worst for being rude with the honking and gesturing? It was senior citizens! They were absolutely rude, obtrusive and relentless. This really offends me as in my line of work, they often complain about youth being rude and having no manners. But I digress...

The next day, I got a call from Rebecca's school that she had fallen at recess time but she was okay. She had gone back to class and all was well. She really is okay but her face is kinda banged up, and I will post a picture later to show what she looks like today.

My point is that my week was full of unwelcome events but this morning that seems to be the past and I feel as though something in the heavens has shifted. I'm very happy in the middle of my chaotic, messy life. There is a break through coming and I'm going to celebrate knowing that it is coming. I know I sound like a flaky church freak but when the Joy gets you, it just gets you.
Enjoy the day! There is good out there that might just chase you down, whether you have faith to believe in it or not.

Quote of the Day:
"Don't ever argue with an idiot. People watching might not be able to
tell the difference."
Erica at 7:09 AM


Blogger Carol-Ann Allen said...

Yes! I know that feeling well of sensing that the tide is just about to turn! Absolutely: "when the joy gets you, it just gets you!"

4:16 PM  
Blogger Lynne said...

Wow. I love how real this post is. Life sometimes sucks really badly but you have taken on the attitude of joyfulness and that is truly admirable.

As far as believing that there is good out there that might chase me down, well, I scoffed at that one but just because you were the one that had a joyful sense inside.

Keep us informed about what does happen. I'll be curious to know.

11:23 PM  

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