Erica online

Wednesday, September 5

Pictures of My Trip Out West

This is my happy face after days of just hanging out and having a good time! Here are several pictures of my trip in reverse order of how events actually unfolded.
Me at Cathedral Grove.
My cousin Danny who we all call Quackins but not because he's an odd duck. Its because when he was a baby, his cry sounded like a duck! But he's such a sweet little Quackins!
This is me with my cousin Laena who we all call Weiner because we are a cruel and heartless family. She is also a sweetheart.
Weiner hard at work!
This is my Auntie Lo-lo (not her real name) who drove into the city to meet me for coffee because she was leaving the next day to go back to her home in Hong Kong.
This is my cousin Lara who is expecting her first baby any day now, which I believe will be a girl but we shall see....time will tell.

More pictures of Lara who was stuck with not ONE but several nicknames from the family.
We affectionately refer to her as Wawa, Larbra, Lala or my brother affectionately called her Larva. He was a cruel and heartless boy.
Waiting for baby to arrive.
This is me and my grandma who I got to spend a few hours with all myself! This must have been the first time that has EVER happened, I've always had to share her with my many, many cousins. We went shopping together!

This is my bestest buddy Ness driving us to our beloved IKEA! She'll tell you she just went because she had to take me, but if you look closely at her face, you'll see the JOY! Oh, she loves it alright!

This is me bonding with the IKEA sign! I'm a little larger in this picture due to the swedish meatballs and gravy I enjoyed! I also had the Daim cake which was Daim GOOD!
This is my favorite picture from the whole trip! They put out balloons and a sign JUST FOR ME! It was all about ME!!! Yay! They like me! They REALLY like me!

This is me and my Ness, Vanessa, Nessa, Nesley Crunch, Juanita, or sometimes I just call her, "we're going to run HOW MANY kilometres?"
(I look at little apprehensive before the run but she took it easy on me, and we just did a short one, I don't think she even broke a sweat!)
This is Bob. He's my other dad. I call this photo "Bobing for Berries", he'd like that because its a dad joke which isn't at all funny. He helped me and Nessie pick berries.

Vanessa with the remainder of her berry crop!
Ness and Michelle (mom) were laughing at me making my own bed. Holiday, Schmoliday!
This is the delicious family breakfast we had before we went to Cathedral Grove.
This is my "extra" set of parents with their adorable babies. Their personalities actually come through quite well in this photo. Bear (the white puppy) looks sad because while the photo is being taken, people aren't walking, playing or otherwise paying attention to him. And really, shouldn't everything be about him? ha ha And Chile is unaware that there is a picture, or a camera or anything going on because...whatever! He's the most laid back dog ever, in fact, it is possible that he is a cat.
I like this photo. While on the West Coast, Do as the West Coasters Do! Tree hugging it is!

This is me having photos taken while we're setting up the photo op!
Looking like I'm not sure what's going on. Why do I have so many pictures like that?
This is me and a very large tree. I think having photos done beside large objects is a very good idea!
This is my Island Family at Cathedral Grove.
This is me and Ness, saying good bye at the airport.

This is one piece of my dad's side of the family. My Uncle Mel, or Uncle Moo generously took out all the loud mouth neices and nephew for supper. Gramma had fun too!
These are my cousins Jamie (who would like it if I mentioned her last name is HALL not Buhler) and Anne (Lara's twin).
This is me with my cousins who grew up next door. We were always together as kids, although we used to be WAY cuter! It was fun to be silly with them again. Those three are lots of fun!
One more photo of me and Lara before she takes the leap into motherhood!

Erica at 9:14 PM


Blogger Nancy said...

Thanks for sharing your fun time with us Erica. I love your hair!

9:23 AM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

Looks like an awesome trip!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Carol-Ann Allen said...

The was a hilarious read, Erica! You know you've done a good post when the person reading doesn't know anyone you are talking about but they are smiling from ear to ear and scrolling and scrolling right to the end! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

5:24 AM  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

ok....i REALLY like you without bangs. And you look SO tanned in that first picture! You are one HOT MOMMA!!

7:18 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Hmmmmmm, Danny looks surprisingly like Arthur, now why should that surprise me!!!

6:34 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

You are hilarious Rick! Thank you for visiting Vancouver - it was so good to laugh that hard again with you. Now Chris has met your aunt, your brother Floyd and YOU - only another 324 members to go......

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great look very happy!!!

10:04 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

I think he looks like Lara with a beard!
ha ha

11:12 PM  

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