Erica online

Thursday, October 11

Time to Update

September was a busy month. Getting a grip on the routine of work, school and kid's lessons has not been an easy task. I think September is crazy for most parents with kids in school.
It is time to update my blog again.
What better way to start than with pictures of the girls going back to school...
Rebecca showing off the new lunch box. Ooooooo! Aaaaaaaa!
Here she is all smiles because schooltime is FINALLY here! Is she going to miss her mommy while she's gone for a whole day? Ummm...that would be a NO!
(Suck it up Erica. She's moved on. She's just not that into you! )
Here is Becca posing for the camera. This is the "official" Gr. 1 First Day of School shot.

"C'mon Mom! Put the camera down and let's go! I don't want to miss the bus"
My responsible little Type-A personality does her have moments of goofing off. I managed to catch one on camera while we waited for the bus....

And with a smile and a wave, she's off for her first FULL day at school.
So far Rebecca is loving grade one, and not suffering from any sort of separation anxiety.
Her mother on the other hand, is seeing a therapist and making some real progess.

Erica at 3:20 PM