Cutie Little Bella
They sat on our bed and looked out the window at this lovely sight.
I called Isabella to come out to the living room and look out the window. She yelled back from my bedroom, "I don't want to come right now! I'm in your bed watching the lunar olympics!"
Oympics, eclipse...whatever. Its all the same to her!
Where was I, I missed it all!!!
Bruce dragged us outside in the middle of the night! We weren't so lucky as to be able to watch it from a window! Longjohns, double sweaters, coats, hats, scarves, double socks, boots, mitts -- it was worth it! Ya just don't wanna miss the lunar olympics! :)
OK, here I am again -- just had to tell ya
Earlier his evening something tweaked the memory of this post and I told my family about. We all had a great chuckle. Then a few minutes ago Kinza was trying to get the laptop away from me and I told her to go do her Math homework! To which she replied it was all done! Shock, shock! So I called out to Bruce to quick run outside and see if there were two moons in the sky because we wouldn't want to miss that lunar olympic! Kinza collapsed in laughter and forgot about her need for the laptop -- thus I am typing my little comment!
I'm glad my little post could be of assistance.
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