Erica online

Sunday, February 20

My Biggest Fan....

Tonight at my volleyball game, Rebecca was so cute.
During the game, I could her little voice shouting out, "Score it Mom! Score it!"

When we'd have a time out she'd give me a high five, and say, "Great team Mom!" or "Good Game".

She was so cute, trying to remember all the words she has heard other players say. She tries so hard to be like the big people. She is awesome. Getting a high five from her is better than winning the game. (which we did, btw)

When we left the gym, some guy was going in with his gym bag. She said, "Hey you going to play volleyball?" He said, "Yah. Did you play already?." In her best adult intonation she answered, "Nah. I'm too little."

She is so cute. When she is a big girl, I'm going to be the loudest cheerer on the bench! I'll be yelling "Score it, Becca!" as loud as I can. Until she asks me to leave for embarassing her in front of her friends!
ha ha ha
Erica at 9:09 PM


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