Erica online

Tuesday, April 19

I Have Lice!!!

Okay, now that I have your attention, I don't actually have lice! ha ha ha

Rebecca saw an episode of the kid's show "Arthur" the other day and it was about
a lice epidemic at the elementary school.

This afternoon, she was leaning against me and running her fingers through my hair. Suddenly, she kinds of perks up and starts parting my hair down the middle. She looks very carefully at my scalp and announces, "I'm afraid you have lice! But don't worry, I know just what to do, I'll be right back."

She proceeds to run upstairs and brings back a comb and water bottle.
She tells me she'll have to look through ALL my hair and use special lice medicine to get rid of them. But I should not worry because she can handle it.

When she watches a show, she really watches a show. She remembered everything about what lice were and how to deal with them....good to know!
Erica at 5:16 PM


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