Erica online

Sunday, May 1

Dialing in the Dark...

Have you ever gone to bed and then remembered you were supposed to phone someone, or worse phone someone back who was waiting for your call. You reach for the phone and are too tired or too lazy to turn on the light, so you just risk it and dial in the dark?

Been there? Done that?

Its a bit risky. You feel your way around the phone buttons to make sure you're on the key pad and not the feature buttons. Especially if its really late, you don't want to hit redial and wake up Grandma!!! There's nothing worse than scrambling to think of valid reason why you might be calling Grandma in the middle night without alarming her. You don't want her to be offended that you didn't really want to call her but don't want her heart to act up that you're calling so late. Important but not urgent. "Sorry I'm calling at 11:30 pm but was that 1/2 tsp or 1/2 Tbsp of salt in your soup recipe. 1/2 Tbsp? Phew! Thanks, now I can sleep! Good night!"

Once you've established you're on the key pad, you do the counting thing. Three across and two down---nine---okay good. Then you listen to each tone as you push it, as if this will help you identify whether or not you've pushed the correct button. Hmmm, in my third semester of memorizing phone tones, they definitely stressed the "nine pitch" and its unique timbre. Man! Why didn't I study harder for that exam!

You blindly go through all the numbers, and wait nervously counting each ring, hoping to hear a familiar voice say, "hello". Its like being on a game show, "Following ring number two is.....its your sister! Congratulations, you win a conversation with someone you actually know! And for our parting guests, we have the chance to apologize to tired strangers you've just woken up!"

For some reason people find it so disturbing to be woken from a peaceful slumber by a stranger who doesn't really want to talk to them but is to lazy to turn on the light to dial their phone. Odd. I figure the least I can do is pretend to really want to talk to them, we don't need to add insult to injury! I want all my wrong numbers to remember with a smile. But that's just me. And Javier from Belize (whose number is very similar to my sister's) agrees with me! But that's just the kind of guy he is!
Erica at 7:40 PM


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