Erica online

Monday, November 6


Since it was just Halloween, we have a lot of extra candy floating around the house.
I found one good thing about candy is that captures your child's attention so its a good
time to teach new skills.

I've been using rockets to teach my kids math. Here is an example, "I have 3 rockets and I add 3 more rockets, how much does that make?" The girls say "Six!" I reply, "Right! So 3 plus 3 makes 6. That is adding."

We continued on with this game for awhile, I would take the rockets and make new piles they could add together. After awhile, I thought they deserved a reward so I told them I would teach them subtraction next.

Here is an example, "I have 5 rockets and Isabella eats 2 rockets, how many rockets are left?"
We did a few more examples until all the candy was gone.

The next day I asked if they wanted to more math, and they got all excited, "Yay!"
I started with the problem, "if I have 2 candies and I add 1 more, how many do I have?"
Isabella interrupted me, "No mom! Not the plus math! I only like the minus ones!"
(when they minus they ate the candies)

Ahhhhhh! The thrill of new intellectual fodder was not the attraction. Silly mommy.
Erica at 7:38 PM


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