Tearful Election
As I was reading the paper, my little Rebecca came and asked what I was reading.
I explained about the election, and she had lots of questions.
(Basically, that they all makes various promises and then we pick the one we believe the most or the promises we like the best.)
I thought that would be the end of conversation, but she was fascinated. She asked me to read information to her. She sat there and listened to the issues/promises from each of the parties.
She thought for a few seconds and decided that she was Progressive Conservative because "they are nice to want to help the people who are new in Canada."
With that, she was ready to go vote. I had to explain that she couldn't vote because she was only six and voters must be eighteen. She BURST into tears and wailed that it was not fair.
I hope she will continue doing her research when she actually is eighteen and able to vote. I will have to find ways to keep her interested in the meantime.
I just cannot believe the conversations you have with you girls...awesome
and the interview answers are - where??!!
That's awesome! I wish all of us put so much heart into an election! :)
Yikes - how is she gonna react to the PCs losing?
Thanks for the writing reminder. I will not be discouraged. It is so subjective. God's opinion is really the only One that counts at the end of the day. If I am meant to be published, it will happen.
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