Erica online

Thursday, April 29

I had a deep thought at about 6am this morning, here it is:

Often families who were in a rural setting had multiple generations living together. So young, first time moms like myself had input from the experience of past generations.

Grandmas and great-grandmas who had learned the hard way, passed on their knowledge so young moms didn't take their kids outside on a windy day with wet hair.
(Ok, maybe that one is just common sense but you get the idea).

Now that we're all so independent and living apart from our extended families we're losing some valuable information. Dr. Phil told our moms to butt out and they did.

We've also lost meddling, and some old-wives tales that should have died out a long time ago but there is good stuff that we've lost too.

Maybe it is the job of young moms to invite wisdom from past generations. Asking questions and getting advise is probably more palettable than having to say, "butt out and let me try this on my own".

Two sides to every coin I guess.

Erica at 7:29 AM


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