Erica online

Friday, January 21

I was thinking this morning about my daughter's reactions to not having mom with them all day. They seem very upset by it, and the care they are receiving is top notch! A day with your grandmas means McDonald's, cuddles, hugs, TWO chocolate puddings, swimming and more cookies than is good for you! Why are they so upset with me leaving? Is it just the change in schedule or disruption of what is normal?

What's the difference between mothers and others? (besides the "m")

This got me to thinking about my mom, and what it is that she is to me. Its true that when I'm with her, I am more relaxed and things seem easier. When you're with your mom, its a heart space that you can curl up in and be completely yourself. Its a safe place, where there is no need to explain the mundane because she already understands what you meant when you said......

Inside your mom's heart, you're known. The misunderstandings with other people are few and far between. Your likes and dislikes are implicitly understood. Its safe, warm, easy and relaxing. Its easy to figure out what you think when you have sounding board that can hear your thoughts and understands your thought processes so always gets the point a little bit ahead of you. Having mom around makes it easier to safely explore ideas because she's already pioneered most of the ideas but lets you go ahead and learn it on your own anyway.

Then I got to thinking, if this is what my mom is to me, and this is what I am to my kids. No wonder they are upset that I'm not there. Being a mom goes beyond hugs and kissing boo-boos, its having a heart big enough for your kids to curl up in.

(Then I started freaking out because that is a HUGE montrous task that I'm not sure I can handle! AHHHHHH!!!! Responsiblity! Pressure!! Lifelong RESPONSIBILITY!! AAAAAAA!!)

Then I realized what time it was, and I had to get to work so I had to stop philosophisizing! I'll get bakc to freaking out later!
Erica at 10:01 AM


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