Erica online

Wednesday, January 12

Subtle Nuances....

I don't think my daughters are completely grasping the subtle nuances in the Cinderella story.

I heard them this morning asking each other if they want to play Cinderella, so I thought I'd listen in.

Rebecca: OK, I'll be Cinderella and you be the step-sister.
Isabella: OK, I'm the lovely step-sister.
Rebecca: Good morning step-sister.
Isabella: Oh Good morning Cinderella, I love you.
Rebecca: I love you too. Let's have some tea.

I think there is something about the story that they may have missed. But rather than explaining the step-sister character's inherent evil nature being necessary to create conflict in the plot.........I just let it go.

There is something nice about believing that everyone is nice. Perhaps I'll preserve their innocent nature as long as I can. But if they fail Grade 12 English, I shall trace it all back to this moment that I failed to explain plot crises!

Erica at 4:11 PM


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