Erica online

Friday, June 24

Capital Schm....

Yesterday I felt like a Schmuck with a capital Schm!

I've been many full-time days for a few weeks now, and I see how hard it is for working moms. They have to pack two full lives into one, all the time! I'm exhausted, and even when I do have time with my kids, I'm so tired that I'm not much fun.

I've also seen the impact on my kids, who are not used to this. They are much more clingy, needy and whiny. These are not the happy-go-lucky, fun-loving girls I know who laugh all the time. They have AWESOME grandmas, and their care is LOVING and KIND, but just the change in their lives is affecting them.

Back to friend called yesterday, and she doesn't have kids. I went off on how horrible being a working mom was, etc.

Long story short, I think I offended her. I hadn't thought about careers in which taking 6 years off is not an option, or families who don't have a choice, they need two incomes, for various reasons.

Lesson? How about not being so forth coming with my opinions? Not judging others? There's a good one! Think before you speak might also apply!

I'll take all of the above!
Erica at 7:02 AM


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