Erica online

Saturday, November 26

Our New Pets...

Have you heard the big news?
We adopted several new pets, about 30 in all!
Yes! We now having living with us about 30 composting worms.

We have composted all our organic waste for about a year now, and with D.J.'s new
information he sees the advantages of worm composting or vermicomposting.

When D.J. brought them home tonight, the girls spent the evening shredding newspaper for their little friends and looking at the worms. Oh, their dad also got them to smell the worm castings (yes that's poo) in the soil as he explained what a valuable resource it is for plant life.
The girls are also excited about having bananas for breakfast tomorrow so they can give their peels to the worms. Oh joy. Oh bliss.

But that's not the best news....the best news is the worms are expected to double or even triple in about 3 weeks. He is exitedly offering worm eggs to people who wish to start vermicomposting at home.

I agree that composting is great. Recycling is great. Reducing waste is great. I shall save my organic waste in my bio-bin as I always have but I have banished the vermin and their little home to the basement.
I'm all for saving the plant but I hate the idea of having worms in my kitchen.
You gotta draw the line somewhere!!!
Erica at 10:48 PM


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