Erica online

Monday, December 26

My Funny Valentine...

Isabella always finds a way to make me laugh. Its the combination of innocence, honesty and sarcasm that gets me everytime.
Here are three quotes from her today:
  • While giving her a bath, I told Bella she needed to wet her hair so I could shampoo it. She asked why I don't just put the shampoo on dry hair. I explained that the shampoo would just stay in one place and it wouldn't lather up. With an understanding "Ohhhhh!" she asked, "So on dry hair would it lather down?"
  • My husband promised the girls they could have McDonalds for lunch today, and when he mentioned it to me, I lamented "Oh gross! I don't want to eat McYucks". Overhearing me, Isabella piped up, "No mommy! Its not McYucky! Its McYummy!"
  • On the ride home after yet another late night, I was telling the girls that when we returned home they would have to go straight to bed as it was very late. Bella asked what time it was. I told her it was 8:00pm. She asked what time her bedtime is. I told her it was 7:00pm. She asked again what time it was. I told her it was still 8:00pm. She then began to cheer, "Yay! I don't have to go to bed, you said bedtime is 7:00 and its not 7:00!!!"

She is such a cheeky little monkey!

Erica at 8:27 PM


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