Erica online

Monday, September 8

Happy Monday!

It seems like everybody hates Mondays but I like them! Yes. You heard that right!
I like Mondays!

The weekends are sooooo crazy and my kids schedules are all wonky so they are hyper
and crazy. They won't nap properly because of all the excitement....we're out all the time, and daddy is, party, party. Yeah!!!!!!!!

So, along comes sweet Monday with its regularly scheduled programming. Daddy is back at work, only mommy is home....BO-RRRRING! We eat at the regular time, play at the regular time and nap at the regular time. Life is back to normal. And mommy can relax!

Hee-hee....I just referred to myself as mommy. Looooossssser!
I think I am slowly becoming one of those moms who I always thought were so boring. It seriously frightens me. I am running out of non-kid-related things to say.
People are too polite to tell you that you are boring the tar out of them, but I think I'm boring

Well...I'm off to the library to find a book to read. Maybe I can find something so riveting, it will spur on fabulous conversations with my non-mommified friends.
Erica at 9:55 AM


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